China International Engineering Consulting Corporation Won the FIDIC Project Award for the Seventh Time, Taking Home the Only Outstanding Project Award at the Global Large-scale Project Level

On September 12, 2023, at the FIDIC “2023 Global Infrastructure Awards” ceremony held in Singapore, the “Jinsha River Baihetan Hydropower Station”, jointly applied for by China International Engineering Consulting Corporation (CIECC), China Three Gorges Construction Engineering Corporation (CTGCEC) and Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, was honored with the unique “Outstanding Project Award” (large project) for 2023. The “Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Units 5 and 6”, jointly applied for by CIECC and China National Nuclear Corporation, won the “Award of Merit”. This is the seventh time CIECC has received the “FIDIC Project Award” following projects such as the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) and the Central Tibet Power Grid Interconnection Project, and it is the company’s first time receiving the “Outstanding Project Award”.

The “Jinsha River Baihetan Hydropower Station” won the “Outstanding Project Award” (photo)

Anthony Barry, Chairman of FIDIC, and Dr. Nelson Ogunshakin, CEO of FIDIC, formally introduced the “Jinsha River Baihetan Hydropower Station” at the award ceremony and presented the trophy.

The “Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Units 5 and 6” won the “Award of Merit” (photo)

The Fédération lnternationale Des lngénieurs Conseils (International Federation of Consulting Engineers, FIDIC), is the most authoritative engineering organization in the global engineering consulting industry. Its contract terms and standards for the management of engineering construction projects represent the industry’s highest level and are widely used internationally. The FIDIC Project Awards were first selected in 2013 on the centenary of the FIDIC and have since been awarded annually to engineering projects that make an outstanding contribution to the world’s economic and social development. The FIDIC Awards are known as the “Nobel Prize” of the international engineering community.

The 2023 FIDIC Project Awards are divided into three categories: “Outstanding Project Award”, “Award of Excellence” and “Award of Merit”, and are further categorized by project size into “large projects”, “large to medium-sized projects”, “medium to small-sized projects” and “small projects”. The China National Association of Engineering Consultants, as the representative of China’s engineering consulting industry in FIDIC, recommended domestic projects for the awards, and this year China won 7 transportation projects, 2 energy projects and 1 water conservancy project, totaling 10 awards, which account for one-third of the total number of global award-winning projects.

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