CIECC has sponsored, co-sponsored, organized and attended a series of influential high-end think tank forums, and participated in and delivered keynote speeches at important professional forums at home and abroad. By virtue of these forums, it greatly facilitates the interaction and exchanges between Chinese and foreign top experts, and demonstrates its social influence as a leading SOE think tank. Each high-end think tank forum successful organized by CIECC has played an important role in regulating and leading industrial development, serving the high-end decisions for national economic construction and deepening domestic and international exchanges and cooperation.

• Co-sponsored the 2016 Beijing International PPP Forum with University College London;

• Co-organized the First Qingdao China PPP Forum with Tsinghua University and Qingdao Municipal Government; participated in the 2nd to 6th PPP forum in China;

•  Initiated the establishment of the PPP Forum for Advisory Bodies in China;

• Assisted the Chinese Society of Technology Economics to found the Investment and Financing Branch of the Society, and held the Infrastructure Investment and Financing Seminar;

• Staged the First “Engineering Consultation and Engineering Philosophy” High-End Forum.

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